
    Green Party takes issue with carbon price report

    Media Release | Wednesday, 23 May 2018
    (OTTAWA) -- The Green Party of Canada is questioning the conclusions of the Parliamentary Budget Officer’s report The Impact of a Pan-Canadian Carbon Pricing Levy on PBO’s GDP Projection, tabled in...

    Kinder Morgan and the déja vu politics of the Liberal Party

    Media Release | Wednesday, 16 May 2018
    (OTTAWA) – Green Party Leader Elizabeth May (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands) cringes at déja vu politics. “The Liberals promised change but we keep getting more of the same: Harper-style politics,” said Ms...

    Green Party condemns Trudeau’s Kinder Morgan bailout

    Media Release | Sunday, 15 Apr 2018
    (OTTAWA) — Green Party leader Elizabeth May (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands) has condemned the Trudeau administration’s latest attempt to force through the completion of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain...