
    A minority government represents diversity not indecision

    Blog | Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007
    Why do we need 'no confidence' votes in the first place? Why not allow a minority government to run its full course? Simply replace the no-confidence vote with a mandated law that requires the budget...

    Child Poverty is family poverty

    Blog | Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007
    Children are poor because the parents are poor and I know this is obvious to everyone. Child poverty is a vital issue but many of the cures lie in provincial jurisdictions. Social services and...

    Senate and electoral reform ideas

    Blog | Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007
    Utilizing the fact that we have two federal houses we could incorporate two aspects of proportional representation one using MMP (mixed member) and the other STV (single transferable vote) The lower...

    CBC and CRTC regulations

    Blog | Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007
    What should we regulate? Rather than not allowing private conglomerates to buy out each others entertainment crap we should reserve access to alternative voices. Who is really dedicated to...

    Affordable housing ideas

    Blog | Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007
    Here is another concept that I have always been curious about. For years I lived on Queen Street West in Toronto. I lived above a store front on the second floor. One day the owner offered to sell to...

    Homelessness and Affordable housing

    Blog | Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007
    First and foremost it is imperative that the right to safe shelter be included in the Canadian constitution. Access to the security of a permanent residence, a home, is a human right not a reward to...

    Conservative Law & Order agenda

    Blog | Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007
    I am tired of Conservative law and order and social order campaigns being predicated on finding the poorest and most defenceless in society and promising to kick their guts out. This may appeal to...

    Supervised injection and alcohol intake sites

    Blog | Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007
    Supervised injection and alcohol intake sites When my brother was on the street as a psychiatric person, it was the network of people, shelters, soup kitchens, and social services that allowed him to...