The Green Party of Canada Fund is a Not-for-profit corporation which, pursuant to the Canada Elections Act, is the registered Chief Agent of the Green Party of Canada.
As Chief Agent, the GPC Fund is responsible for administering the finances of the party, which includes incurring and paying all expenses. As a consequence, the GPC Fund is the employer of staff, lessor of premises and the provider of IT and other supporting services to the Party. In 2021 the GPC Fund entered into a Collective Agreement with C.O.P.E. The Fund enters into compensation agreements with paid party functionaries.
The voting members of the GPC Fund are the voting members of the Federal Council. As a corporation, the GPC Fund has a board of directors and officers. The officers and paid managers are responsible for the day-to-day operations that support the Party.
The governing documents of the GPC Fund are the Canada Not-for-Profit Act and its regulations; the Certificate of Continuance; and the GPC Fund bylaws.
To contact the GPC Fund: [email protected]
For more information, please refer to the Fund Board's WeDecide page:
Members of the Fund board:
- Directors
- Kerry Campbell
- Iain Currie
- Emerald Gibson
- John Redekopp
- Corrina Serda
- Susan Short
- John Willson
- Officers
- Corrina Serda (Co-President and Fund Representative to Council)
- John Willson (Co-President)
- Kerry Campbell (Vice President)
- Kerry Campbell and Susan Short (Co-Treasurers)
Emerald "Ezzie" Gibson (he/him) A community-minded environment protective person. Supporting grassroots organizations helping to preserve the environment, history, and the future? Serving as the Financial Agent of the “New Brunswick Southwest Greens” EDA’s and Provincial Secretary of Green Party of New Brunswick.Vice-President Green Party Fund. Founding member and Chair of the Canadian Positive People Network also served as hands-on treasurer of this national not-for-profit that was funded by PHAC, Treasurer of Realize also a national non-profit. Currently residing in New Brunswick for the past 32 years. Lived with HIV for 37 years and have been involved with many HIV/AIDS organizations over the years, internationally, regionally, and provincially including the Past Canadian Co-Chair and Atlantic Regional Board Member of the Global Network of Person Living with HIV/AIDS North America (GNP+NA). I am looking forward to putting my time and energy over the next few years working with the Green Party Fund in a very active and positive way.
Corrina Serda (she/her) is 25-year-old Chicana and European-Canadian heritage member of the Policy Development Process Committee, the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Committee, and other volunteer-led, member-driven groups within the Green Party of Canada. She is particularly interested in ethical governance, empowering the grassroots, and encouraging more youth and Indigenous involvement in the Party. She works in the communications field, with a focus on communicating complex concepts to diverse audiences. Corrina was appointed to serve a two-year term as Vice President of the board in June 2021, and elected as a Director in July 2021, she has agreed to be a Co-President along with John Willson starting in August 2021.
Susan Short (she/her) began her Green journey in B.C. with the North Island – Powell River (NIPR) EDA but her interest in politics began at the family dinner table. She was born in Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, and has lived and worked in many rural and urban centres in B.C., Ontario, and Colorado. As a permanent resident working at Colorado State University, Susan wasn’t able to vote so became involved in campaigning in the US elections. She was on the Board of Habitat for Humanity in Fort Collins, Colorado for many years. Accounting was a key activity in her career and volunteer opportunities, in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. She became the NIPR Financial Agent within a year of joining the EDA, volunteered full-time for the last two elections, Co-Chairs the GPC Safe Spaces Committee, and was elected to the GPC Fund Board in 2023.
John Willson (he/him) is one of the leaders of Members for Growth and Renewal, a movement within the Green Party of Canada that promotes values-led governance and operational effectiveness. His focus on empowering members, EDAs and staff led to him co-founding the Transparency Project and the blueocean eco-volunteer association. John’s professional management consulting work has included work on organizational change and values-based management and governance. John is bilingual and an active volunteer within the LGBTQ+ community. He agreed to serve a two-year term as Vice President in June 2021, then as Co-President in August, and was elected as a Director in July 2021.