The Green Party of Canada continually strives to demonstrate the importance of our values by giving them practical expression in the organization and practices of the party.
EDA (Electoral District Association)
Electoral District Associations (EDAs) are Elections Canada sanctioned administrative organizations that facilitate party and community building activities at the riding level. EDAs provide a vehicle to build volunteer teams to carry out events and activities to grow the grassroots and connect with the party. To find your EDA, visit find your riding >>.
Green Parties around the world share common values as expressed in the Charter of the Global Greens.
A history of the Green Movement, Green Parties around the world & the Green Party of Canada.
The constitution that governs the activities of the Party.
Federal Council
The council of the Green Party of Canada is responsible for the overall direction of the party.
Shadow Cabinet
The Green Party Shadow Cabinet is made up of experts in various policy areas.
Young Greens
A unit of the GPC representing youth members from the ages of 12 to 29 years old.
Provincial Greens
Most provinces have a provincial Green Party. Find yours.
A unit of the GPC that reviews concerns from the membership and deals with fairness issues.
GPC Fund
The GPC Fund is a not-for-profit corporation which, pursuant to the Canada Elections Act, is the Chief Agent of the Green Party of Canada. As Chief Agent, the GPC Fund is responsible for administering the finances of the party, which includes incurring and paying all expenses.