Greens Happy about Roundup Review

The Green Party of Canada is applauding a federal court ruling ordering Health
Canada to undertake a formal safety review of the impact of the herbicide
Roundup, with a focus on amphibians.  "On behalf of frogs everywhere,
we thank Justice Kelen for this decision.  Of course, the side benefit to
humans will be immense as well. Glyphosate is linked to birth defects and
various kinds of cancer and we may be unaware of the full risks of the mixture
chemicals that constitute Roundup," said Green Leader Elizabeth May, MP
for Saanich-Gulf Islands.

Justice Michael A. Kelen invoked the precautionary principle in his decision,
saying "Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty
shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent adverse health impact or environmental

Scientists have been cautioning that glyphosate mixed with the various
so-called inert chemicals that make up Roundup may have toxic effects, not all
of which are understood.  Roundup is used extensively in agriculture
across Canada.

"Congratulations go to the West Coast Environmental Law Group and
Josette Wier for their perseverance in this case," said May.
 "It's a shame that private citizens have to go to court to get
Health Canada to step up and protect public health but in this case, I am glad
they took the initiative."


Media Contact: 
Rebecca Harrison
[email protected]