Green Party of Canada Welcomes Kathy Code as New Shadow Cabinet Critic for Forests

OTTAWA - The Green Party of Canada is proud to announce Kathy Code as the new Shadow Cabinet Critic for Forests. With decades of experience in ecoforestry, policy analysis, and environmental advocacy, Kathy Code brings unparalleled expertise and passion to this critical role.

Kathy Code’s environmental leadership spans many initiatives, including serving as a director of the Ecoforestry Institute Society since 2014 and its chair since June 2023. Under her stewardship, the society has upheld Wildwood Ecoforest as a shining example of sustainable forestry practices. Wildwood, which has been selectively logged since 1945, celebrates its 80th anniversary next year as a standing forest with its ecosystems and biodiversity intact. Kathy’s holistic economic approach to Wildwood integrates natural services, non-timber value-added resources, and extensive educational programming, setting a gold standard for forest stewardship.

As a founding member of the Fairy Creek movement, Kathy played a pivotal role in organizing the legal team and researching forestry policies, including the Forest Revenue Sharing Agreement between the Pacheedaht First Nation and the BC government. Her advocacy contributed to what became the largest civil disobedience movement in Canadian history. Kathy is also a partner on the Elastic Spaces project with Elder Bill Jones and Concordia University, focusing on forestry and the development of a book highlighting the Fairy Creek experience.

“While many think forests are exclusively a provincial jurisdiction, the reality is that the federal government shares responsibility, particularly when it comes to forests as habitat for species at risk, as carbon sinks, and as a cornerstone of nature-based climate solutions,” said Leader Elizabeth May. “The federal role also extends to wildfire resilience and the creation of a National Fire Administration, as urged by Canada’s Fire Chiefs. Kathy Code’s extensive experience and visionary leadership are exactly what we need to address these urgent challenges. I am so pleased that Kathy has agreed to join our national policy team in the Shadow Cabinet.”

Kathy Code appointed as Forestry Critic is such a necessary asset for the GPC's ever growing circle,” said Deputy Leader Rainbow Eyes. “Kathy's heart connection, life long dedication & knowledge will shine a much needed light on the lack of integrity within the resource management of forests. Forestry must be at all tables of discussion as Forests are at the core of all global climate & humanitarian solutions. 

“Forests are more than just timber resources—they are vital ecosystems that support biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and provide essential services to our communities,” added Kathy Code. “I am honored to take on this role and to work with the Green Party of Canada to push for transformative policies that value forests for their full ecological and cultural importance. Together, we can champion a future where our forests are managed sustainably for all Canadians.”

Kathy’s extensive experience as a policy analyst, advocate, and community leader makes her an invaluable addition to the Green Party’s Shadow Cabinet. Her work will focus on creating bold, evidence-based policies to protect Canada’s forests and promote sustainable forestry practices.


For more information or to arrange an interview : 

Fabrice Lachance Nové

Press secretary


[email protected]