
    COP21 Blog Update

    Blog | Wednesday, 09 Dec 2015
    A brief blog today. The talks were mostly off-line – one to one (or rather, one COP president to a larger regional grouping, one after the other). Claire Martin had a not entirely small tragedy as a...

    Green Party news from COP21: Canada making a difference

    Media Release | Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015
    (OTTAWA) -The Green Party of Canada group at COP21 is encouraged by the constructive atmosphere as the negotiations enter the final days.   “It is critical that the community of nations succeed in...

    COP21 – negotiations move behind closed doors - Day 8

    Blog | Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015
    Monday December 7th was the official opening of the High-Level segment.  In the normal rhythm of the COPs, this would have been a big day with ministers of environment from around the world, and the...

    COP21 moves to new phase - Day 7

    Blog | Monday, 07 Dec 2015
    Sunday and COP21 moved to the working groups to review cross-cutting issues.  There were four groups announced by COP President Fabius last night, with another announced today – adaptation.  We also...

    COP21 Blog at mid-point - Day 6

    Blog | Sunday, 06 Dec 2015
    I am amazed. The deadline of having ADP wrap by noon Saturday and send a draft text accepted as a sufficient basis for political negotiation was met. The draft text with the addition of “reflections...

    Green Party Statement on Hanukkah

    Media Release | Sunday, 06 Dec 2015
    (OTTAWA) - As Hanukkah begins at sundown this evening, Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich - Gulf Islands) would like to extend best wishes to Canada’s Jewish community...