
    The Feds May Have Known of Geoengineering Experiment in BC

    Media Release | Thursday, 18 Oct 2012
    OTTAWA – UK Newspaper The Guardian revealed yesterday that an American businessman conducted a massive ocean fertilisation test, dumping around 100 tonnes of iron sulphate off British Columbia's...

    International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

    Media Release | Tuesday, 16 Oct 2012
    OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada is observing the United Nations’ International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17th. “The theme of the 2012 observance is ‘Ending the Violence of...

    Support For P.E.I. Greens’ Leader

    Media Release | Wednesday, 10 Oct 2012
    OTTAWA – On 9 October 2012, Peter Bevan-Baker, incoming Leader of the Green Party of Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) was served papers by the RCMP after he protested the realignment of the Trans-Canada...

    Teacher's Day Statement

    Statement | Friday, 05 Oct 2012
    The Green Party of Canada is proud to recognize the teaching profession today. We know that in classrooms across this country from kindergarten to the university doctorate level there are trained...

    A country of First Nations and newcomers

    Blog | Friday, 05 Oct 2012
    Canada is a country of First Nations and newcomers. People with exceptional skills who are born overseas but who don’t have the opportunities to excel in their homeland look around for alternatives,...

    The Nexen - CNOOC Deal & the Unasked Question

    Blog | Wednesday, 03 Oct 2012
    One of the hot topics in Parliament these days is the proposed $15 billion takeover of Canadian energy giant Nexen by the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). Industry Minister Christian...

    Green Leader Congratulates Lorraine Rekmans

    Statement | Wednesday, 03 Oct 2012
    OTTAWA – Elizabeth May, Green Party of Canada Leader and MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands, wishes to congratulate Lorraine Rekmans on receiving a Rosalie Bertell Award this week. “This award is a well-...

    Bill C-43 = the Faster Removal of Civil Liberties Act

    Media Release | Wednesday, 03 Oct 2012
    May Warns of Increase in Ministerial Discretion/Vague, Undefined Criteria OTTAWA – Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, MP Saanich-Gulf Islands, today welcomed additional debate on Bill C-43, while...

    Greens Announce Candidate for Victoria By-Election

    Media Release | Tuesday, 02 Oct 2012
    OTTAWA – After a meeting Saturday night in Victoria, the extraordinary situation of a tie arose between the two candidates vying for the Green Party nomination in the as-yet to be called federal by-...