
    Ministers in Durban - Day 3

    Blog | Wednesday, 07 Dec 2011
    The “High Level” session started yesterday. This means that the big guns arrived, including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and South African President Jacob Zuma. Our Minister of the Environment,...

    COP17 enters home stretch

    Blog | Wednesday, 07 Dec 2011
    The high level segment opened yesterday with speeches first from presidents and prime ministers, and, in the case of Monaco, royalty. Then down the pecking order to countries represented by ministers...

    Violence against Women still a concern in Canada

    Media Release | Tuesday, 06 Dec 2011
    OTTAWA - On the anniversary of the shooting at Montreal's École Polytechnique, the Green Party of Canada and the party’s Quebec Wing are sad to note that violence against women is still a great...

    Dissonance in Durban - Day 2

    Blog | Tuesday, 06 Dec 2011
    We had a highlight as we registered for the UN negotiations this morning. Elizabeth got an official delegate badge. Not from Canada - she got it from Papua New Guinea! Mike De Souza a reporter form...

    Climate talks struggle to gain clear path forward

    Blog | Monday, 05 Dec 2011
    Durban is a lovely place. I have never been here before and I will probably see nothing but the beach in front of my hotel as I walk to the bus stop for the shuttle to the convention centre. This,...

    First thoughts from COP17

    Blog | Monday, 05 Dec 2011
    I write this from the Plenary session at COP17 in Durban. My first pleasant surprise was that I was accepted for credentials to join the delegation of Papua New Guinea. I have long admired the PNG...

    Action, not words needed to help Persons with Disabilities

    Media Release | Saturday, 03 Dec 2011
    OTTAWA - December 3rd marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, with a theme for 2011 of "Together for a better world for all."   Recently there has been much media coverage on the...

    CEAA Terminated?

    Media Release | Friday, 02 Dec 2011
    The Green Party of Canada is expressing outrage over the termination of the legally required review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) and is calling for committee meetings to begin...