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Cloverdale—Langley City
Pat studied Mechanical Engineering at UBC, graduating in 1985. He found employment in the manufacturing sector designing heavy equipment for the resource industry. In 1995 Pat started his own engineering consulting firm offering engineering services to the Lower Mainland's heavy equipment manufacturers.
Pat began researching the science behind climate change about 10 years ago and became very concerned about the effects it presents to future generations if we don't act quickly to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Pat's research also revealed that our current economic activity was unsustainable and leading to the destruction of our living planet. Pat joined the Green Party of Canada in 2019 because they appeared to be the only federal party that took the threat of climate change seriously and promoted policies that result in environmental, economic, social and fiscal sustainability. Pat also volunteers with a few local NGOs focused on tackling climate change.
The growing wealth gap in BC and Canada also concerns Pat, as wealth continues to be concentrated in the hands of the upper-class. This always leads to elevated influence over our society by the wealthy, and Pat believes this trend needs to be reversed.
Pat is also a strong supporter of the Green Party of Canada's approach to developing progressive evidence-based policies and solutions.
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