The Green Party of Canada Fund is a Not-for-profit corporation which, pursuant to the Canada Elections Act, is the registered Chief Agent of the Green Party of Canada.
As Chief Agent, the GPC Fund is responsible for administering the finances of the party, which includes incurring and paying all expenses. As a consequence, the GPC Fund is the employer of staff, lessor of premises and the provider of IT and other supporting services to the Party. In 2021 the GPC Fund entered into a Collective Agreement with C.O.P.E. The Fund enters into compensation agreements with paid party functionaries.
The voting members of the GPC Fund are the voting members of the Federal Council. As a corporation, the GPC Fund has a board of directors and officers. The officers and paid managers are responsible for the day-to-day operations that support the Party.
The governing documents of the GPC Fund are the Canada Not-for-Profit Act and its regulations; the Certificate of Continuance; and the GPC Fund bylaws.
To contact the GPC Fund: [email protected]
For more information, please refer to the Fund Board's WeDecide page:
Members of the Fund board:
- Directors
- John Redekopp
- John Willson
- Lindsay Grillet
- Officers
- Lindsay Grillet (Co-President and Fund Representative to Council)
- John Willson (Co-President)
- John Redekopp(Co-President)