OTTAWA -- Final results show the Green Party of Canada had record breaking fundraising results in 2011. With the Greens’ success in electing Leader Elizabeth May to the House of Commons and Deputy Leader Adriane Carr winning a Vancouver City council seat, the Greens are looking forward to continued success. “We are so thankful to our donors and our volunteers. A Green wave is coming, as more and more Canadians realize that their values are represented by this party,” said Leader Elizabeth May.
The Green Party raised $1.7 million in 2011 from 17, 761 donors. With the absence of the per vote subsidy, the Green Party will continue to step up its grassroots fundraising efforts.
“What really makes the difference are all of those $10 and $20 donations from the grassroots,” said May. “Those small amounts really add up to create a large force that will ensure the Greens are a solid political power in Canada.”
Greens made history in 2011 when the voters in Saanich Gulf Islands turned out in droves (75% voter turn-out) to support Elizabeth May, who took the seat with 46% support.
Rebecca Harrison
[email protected]