
    Campaign Blog - Days 25 and 26

    Blog | Saturday, 29 Aug 2015
    My blogging fell by the way-side in the avalanche of activities on days 25 and 26 of the marathon election campaign. With town hall meetings in the evening, canvassing and traveling between ridings...

    Greens condemn Mohamed Fahmy jail sentence

    Media Release | Saturday, 29 Aug 2015
    Elizabeth May demands Stephen Harper intervene after Canadian journalist sentenced to three years in prison(OTTAWA) - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada (Saanich – Gulf Islands)...

    Green surge on Vancouver Island - New Independent Poll

    Media Release | Thursday, 27 Aug 2015
    “May posts the best momentum score of all four main party leaders with +11… clearly ahead as the best person to handle the environment (43%)” - Insights West(OTTAWA) - Green Party support on...

    Campaign Blog – Day 24

    Blog | Thursday, 27 Aug 2015
    We had a media-filled today with our statement on hydraulic fracturing. As with so many of the fossil fuel emitting projects on the table, fracking is not a job-creator. We can call this promise of...

    Campaign Blog - Day 23

    Blog | Wednesday, 26 Aug 2015
    We had a great day launching our plan for a national housing strategy in Vancouver. A bunch of Green candidates and team headed over from Vancouver Island on the 7 am ferry as we had a training...