
    Harper Conservatives’ Bill C-36 beyond repair

    Media Release | Monday, 22 Sep 2014
    OTTAWA – Stating that there would be no way to amend the bill in a way that would fix it, Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP for Saanich–Gulf Islands, today proposed that the...

    Who decided biotech was a technology winner?

    Blog | Monday, 22 Sep 2014
    The federal government, regardless of political stripe, has a poor record of picking technology winners.  Canadians essentially lost tens of billions when the giant white radioactive elephant Atomic...

    September 22 is Car Free Day

    Statement | Monday, 22 Sep 2014
    OTTAWA – Today is World Car Free Day, an international day of action to promote alternative modes of transportation and a cleaner environment. “Car Free Day is an opportunity to think critically...

    Harper sell out to China will be locked in – Elizabeth May

    Media Release | Friday, 12 Sep 2014
    “I call on every Conservative MP to block this sell out..." Elizabeth May (Ottawa) September 12, 2014 - Ever since September 2012, when news of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Hu Jintao of China...

    Backgrounder - Investor-State Treaties

    Backgrounder | Friday, 12 Sep 2014
    What is an Investor-State Agreement? While investor-state agreements are sometimes associated – or even confused – with free trade agreements, they are not the same. A trade agreement opens up areas...

    The price of cheap shrimp

    Blog | Wednesday, 03 Sep 2014
    The readership of Island Tides is, in my experience, among the best informed and most conscientious about our collective and individual ecological footprint of any people on the planet. However, I...