Green Party Statement for Canada Day 2021

OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada extends good wishes to all people in Canada on Canada Day. 

“It has been a difficult year, but now there is hope for better things,” said Green Party Leader Annamie Paul. “Throughout this pandemic, the resilience, kindness and generosity of people across the country has been an inspiration. In communities large and small, frontline workers, health-care professionals, teachers, transportation workers, neighbours and so many more have demonstrated over and over their courage and dedication to serving others. That is surely something to be celebrated on this day.

“The Green Party acknowledges that Canada Day is a meaningful celebration for many. At the same time, we recognise that the day is a painful reminder to many others of the ongoing legacy of Canada’s colonial history. As we celebrate the beauty and bounty of the lands we live on, we must understand that such bounty is a privilege that comes with profound responsibilities. This includes an obligation to recognise that much of what people in Canada enjoy today has come at the expense of others - most particularly the Indigenous peoples of these lands. 

“Canada Day is a day to be thankful for the extraordinary lands that we call home,” said Ms. Paul. “It is also a day when we all must take time to educate ourselves about our hosts, and the legacy wrought by the dark chapters of our history. Canada Day 2021 must be a day to renew our commitment to actively work towards reconciliation, and respecting Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination. For centuries, First Nations, Métis and Inuit have waited for the promise of reconciliation to be fulfilled. Now we must keep that promise so that true nation-to-nation relationships can begin.”

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For more information or to arrange an interview:

Rosie Emery

Press Secretary 


[email protected]